Over 40 Border Policemen competed in table tennis

t1The Sporting activities in the Border Police, in 2014, continued with internal table tennis championship. The sports competition was held on last weekend in specialized hall for table tennis of MSU.

9 June 2014

Situation at border, balance of the week

1263976 499407116821494 903842408 oAs a result of carrying out of the specific activities in the area of competence, the Border Police officers, during 2-8 May 2014, revealed and documented 62 persons, who violated the border and migration legislation of the Republic of Moldova, as it follows:

9 June 2014

Smuggled roses

3trThe Inspectors of the Border Police Sector Larga detained at few meters from a Moldovan state border a Moldavian citizen carrying 800 seedlings of smuggled roses.

5 June 2014

One hectare of hemp found at the Moldovan-Ukrainian border

c1The Border Policemen run from May 30 to August 31, 2014 a special operation "MAC2014". The actions take place to combat illicit drug trafficking of vegetable origin, to detect and destroy the plants containing narcotics, as well as to identify the persons who cultivate them illegally in the border area. In the context of this operation, at just 800 meters from the border with Ukraine was discovered a field of hemp, which was stretched over an area of one hectare.

4 June 2014

The best in the profession of border guard

1The Border Police has appointed the best employees in the profession of the year 2014. The applied professional contest was held for the first time and is part of the events on occasion of the Day of the Border Police, and at the start were aligned more than 50 officers and sub-officers.

4 June 2014