Border Policemen more experienced in detecting counterfeit cigarettes

t160 border police officers of Special Investigation, Criminal Investigation, Border Control and the Mobile Teams deepened their knowledge and skills in detecting counterfeit tobacco products. The training was organized with the support of the international company "Philip Morris".

7 July 2014

3.5 kg of psychotropic pills transported illegally

10524939 754787564544791 1096512968 nThe border policemen jointly with customs officers prevented the illegal removal from the country's territory of a large shipment of psychotropic products.
At the exit of the country, at the BCP Otaci was presented a minibus of model "Mercedes" with license plates from Hînceşti, which carried passengers on a regular route Ungheni-Moscow.

4 July 2014

Artillery shell from the period of the Second World War, defused at the border

o1As a result of cooperation between the border policemen and the local population there was prevented an incident situation in the border area. On July 3, a few men of the village Palanca alerted the employees of the Border Police Sector Tudora, that in the strip of the forest, at 800 meters from the state border line, was identified an artillery shell.

4 July 2014

Working visit to the border crossing point Grzechotki

2Border Police delegation led by Deputy Head of Department, Ianuş Erhan, paid a working visit to Grzechotki checkpoint, located at the border between the Republic of Poland and Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation.

4 July 2014