Border Police Sector Chisinau Airport, with good results in all segments of activity

27 Ianuarie 2015

A2Border policemen from the checkpoint Chisinau-Airport presented today, January 27, 2014 the activity report and specified some proposals for improvement of the working process this year. In this context, the Head of the Border Police, Dorin Purice asked from the staff correctness, legality and high quality of operational process, to strictly observe the professional ethics, regardless of position or degree held. "As you were professionals, but if you do not have integrity, you will not find yorselves among employees of the Border Police. You, who work in BCPs, you are rhe visit card not only of the institution, but also of the country, you are the exponents of changes, which are required to be positive, and the people crossing the border must perceive this transformation. In 2014 you recorded good results in all segments of activity, which shows that you have a consolidated team, you managed to establish a favorable moral-psychological climate, you work permanently at raising the level of professional competence, you have established relationships of cooperation both internally and externally, you have enough people with initiative and willing to change, therefore, I am convinced that all good things shall have the continuity and we will succeed in achieving the goals proposed for 2015, "said Dorin Purice.

The analysis of operational situation at the BCP Chisinau Airport indicates the increased flow of persons both in the direction of "entry" and the direction "exit", being influenced by a variety of factors such as the opening of several new routes, increase of the frequency of regular flights, introduction of routes of type "charter" for the summer period, visa liberalization with the EU, Turkey, Israel, as well as the unstable situation in Ukraine, which conditions more people to give up crossing the Moldovan-Ukrainian border crossing points by road and rail and choose movement by air to / from Russian Federation.
Thus, in 2014, the persons flow values are 1,842,866 crossings, increasing by approximately 33% compared to 2013, when it was registered a flow of 1,386,116 crossings. In the context of the continuing evolution of the flow of the passengers for 2015 it is forecasted an increase thereof with at least 20% in both directions of crossing the state border.

According to the statistic data, the number of unauthorized border crossings increased by about 17%, in 2014 it was not allowed to 728 persons to cross the border, 100 more than in 2013. Out of the total number, 281 persons were not allowed to enter the country, the majority were the citizens of Turkey and the Russian Federation and to 447 it was not allowed to exit the country, 94% of whom were the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. The reasons for these restrictions to be imposed were the lack of valid documents, visa, the declaration of accompanying minors, as well as the presence of a nominal confinement, failure to confirm the purpose of travel etc ..
In those 12 months, at the control, specific for state border crossing were discovered 66 counterfeit, forged or foreign documents, being identified and investigated 58 persons, compared to 2013, the values are in a slight increase (61 documents and 47 persons documented).
Decreases were reported on the segment of misdemeanor violations, if in 2013 the number was 1140, in 2014 there were registered 435 cases. The most common were the violations of rules of stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and the rules of transportation of aliens.
During 2014, from different countries were deported 723 citizens of the Republic of Moldova, at the same time it was not allowed the entry to 2060 Moldovans, of which only 1438 in the Russian Federation.
The main specific risks for the Border Police Sector Chisinau International Airport were illegal migration and human trafficking, in smaller proportions - cigarette smuggling and the illegal attempt of crossing weapons and ammunition.
Regarding the illegal migration were reported 23 cases involving 32 persons, the indicators increasing considerably with regard to the same period of the year 2013, when there were registered 10 cases and identified 17 illegal migrants. The investigated persons as illegal migrants both Moldovan and foreign nationals, nationals of India, Iran, Turkey, Syria, Costa Rica, Sierra Leone, Palestine, Ghana, Georgia, etc ..
Over the past year, the border inspectors identified 13 cases of human trafficking, being discovered 12 victims and 3 traffickers, the majority are the Moldovan citizens, and only one case where has been detected a foreigner as a smuggler . The main destinations for which is characteristic risk of human trafficking was Chisinau - Istanbul, Chisinau - Antalya and Chisinau - Dubai, and as destination countries served the states such as Turkey, UAE, Lebanon, Northern Cyprus, Malaysia.
The Airport border policemen investigated 21 persons involved in the offence of smuggling, being raised from them 11 037 packs of cigarettes, 9 kg of fermented tobacco, 112,599 $, 85 ampoules of Diazepam. Similarly, from the border were turned 19 persons, who tried to illegally cross the arms and ammunition, being raised two pistols and 40 cartridges.

In order to improve the operational activity of the segment of competence, the employees of the Border Police Sector Chisinau International Airport proposed in 2015 to manifest enhanced exigency in order to perform the control of the documents at the border crossing, to properly manage risks and threats, paying special attention to foreign citizens from the countries of high migration risk who intend to use the Republic of Moldova as a transit platform to reach European countries, to enhance the cooperation with the state institutions and relevant international authorities to identify persons from countries with high risk of acts of terrorism, to face all challenges and criminal phenomena.
